Flat tummy in 3 Staps : Reduce your body fat
Want that
enviable washboard abs? Practicing these moves regularly will help you
Don't want to end up injured or exhausted? Don't overdo things on the
workout front. Instead, aim for a brisk 20-minute walk every day to burn fat,
plus do the following exercises to help tone your abdominal muscles.
Bicycle crunch: Lie down with your back pressed onto the
floor. Bring your hands behind your head. Starting with your legs bent
at a 45-degree angle, bring the right knee into the chest while straightening
out your left leg. At the same time, rotate your top half so your left elbow
goes to your right knee, then switch to the other side. Repeat for one
minute,three times a day.
Bicycle crunch |
The boat: Sit on the floor, with your knees bent and feet
flat and tilt back, extending your legs so your body forms a right angle. Pull
your abs in to balance. Extend your arms at shoulder height past your knees.
Hold for five slow breaths and return to your starting position. Repeat five
times a day.
The boat |
The plank: Lie face down then lift yourself up on to your
toes and forearms, with your elbows bent at 90 degrees. Keeping your core
muscles -— your stomach and bottom — tight and your legs straight, hold for 10
seconds. Repeat three times a day, gradually building to 40 seconds each.
The plank |
Source : TOI